Registration Customized event registration software

Online registration

We carry the leading-edge event registration software technologies. Our event registration system is mobile friendly, seamlessly integrated with our convention housing management system, and customizable to your registration requirements.

event registration software

Onsite registration

We provide registrar services for the convention registration desk or any meeting sites with efficiency, graciousness and warmth. Our registrars have a label maker available for typing name badges on-site for any attendees who did not pre-register. We also check in attendees with our modern mobile applications, onsite kiosks and receive the new onsite registrations with secured live credit card payments.

event registration software

We understand that each client's registration process is unique. We customize registration website to fit your requirements such as look & feel, track & session conflicts, survey, pricing, and registration process flow.
Onsite registration kiosks help reduce labor and operating costs, improve staff productivity and allow staff to provide more personal service in other areas—while bringing greater convenience and time savings to attendees.
As a convenience for pre-registered conference attendees, we offer Express Check-In Kiosks. Attendees can use these kiosks to print their badge, pick up their program materials, and begin attending sessions.

The RFID Attendee Identification & Tracking System creates a better customer experience as participants will be moving much faster into rooms, requiring less time in queues, improve layouts of the show floor.

Besides, an array of specialized functions can be added, such as access control of participants registered for different program tracks – to prevent Track 1 registered participants from entering Track 2 program rooms, etc.

By analyzing the collected data, such as attendance records with time stamps, Event Organizers are able to fine-tune their event programs, measure attendance at sessions, learn which speakers are popular, continuing education unit (CEU) attendance, etc.

Marketing analysis:

  • Demographic visibility
  • Number of booths visited, number of sessions, demos etc.
  • Duration spent at seminars, booths, demos etc.
  • Understand interest and preferences

Return on investment:

  • Improve lead generation
  • If attendee visits x booth and attends y seminar, they must be interested in z.
  • Promptly follow up with leads using a targeted message

We utilized dynamic web services to permit our registration system to exchange data with the association membership system with real-time data.

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